Page 11 - Brochure 2018
P. 11

MIET Campus  education.                       cater to the computing requirements of   number of print journals, magazines,
 The MIET campus spread over 25 acres   The infrastructure includes 22,000 sq.m of   both the staff and the students. The   newspapers, periodicals, encyclopedia,   11
 has received accolades from all visitors   built-up area comprising classrooms,   entire MIET campus is wi-fi enabled with   reference books and research
 infrastructure  as being the greenest campus in the   laboratories, common rooms,   laboratories include the IBM Software   readers abreast with the latest
        tutorial rooms, seminar rooms,
                                                                                    publications are procured to keep the
                                               seamless connectivity. Specialized
 region. The accreditation team from
        auditorium, library, cafeteria and student
                                               Center of Excellence, Mobile Computing  knowledge in their domains.
 NAAC comprising of senior most
 academicians from reputed institutions in   amenities. Ample parking facility is   Lab, Center for Software Development,   Laboratories
 People@MIET - "The Transformers"  actively engaged in research and   India, infact recognized the "Green   available throughout the campus.   Advanced Database Systems Lab and   MIET has a modern laboratory setup in all
 The faculty at MIET consists of a highly   development, industry-oriented   Campus" as one of the 3 strengths of the   Adequate facilities for sports, games and   the Simulation Lab.   disciplines as per prescribed norms and
        physical activity are available in the form
 qualified, experienced and dedicated   programmes and consultancy   institute. Located at a distance of 13 Kms   Library  standards. An entire Laboratory Block
 individuals having specializations in   assignments. The faculty is augmented   from Jammu Tawi Railway Station, 10   of a multi-purpose sports field, basketball   The institution maintains a well-equipped  houses specific laboratories catering to
 various disciplines. Several faculty   by well-trained administrative, technical   Kms from the City Bus Stand and 17 Kms   and volleyball courts besides indoor   and fully automated library with over   the Electronics and Communication and   people &  infrastructure
 members are recognized nationally and   and support staff who contribute   from the Jammu Airport, it is well   games like table-tennis, chess and   35,000 books from reputed publishers.   Electrical Engineering. The Workshop
 internationally for their academic   towards achieving operational   connected through public transport. The   carom.   The library has a rich collection of online   spread over 650 sq.m. houses different
 contributions. The competence and skill   excellence. Specialists with relevant   land has been developed to retain   Computing Facilities  resources. It subscribes to the IEEEXplore   shops equipped with modern machines
 levels of the faculty are constantly   industry experience manage the   much of the natural landscape with over   MIET offers state-of-the-art computing   Digital Library, Springer, EBSCOHost and   and tools to provide students an
 upgraded via a comprehensive Faculty   trainings and placements, quality   1000 trees, manicured gardens and   facilities through specialized computer   Tata-McGrawHill Engineering reference   introduction to various manufacturing
 Development Programme based on   assurance, human resources and   natural foliage providing a calm and   labs housing over 500 networked   which provide access to over 4000   and fabrication processes enabling
 multi-pronged approaches. The faculty is   strategic initiatives functions.   serene environment conducive for   computers. Several high-end servers   international journals. Besides this, a large  them to undertake real-world projects.

        Each time I visit the MIET campus, I am tremendously impressed by the growth
        in infrastructure and human resources. MIET is truly a model for other private

        sector institutions in the state and the rest of the country.
        Prof. Amitabh Matoo
        Former Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu
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