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helped establish the Center for Women's Studies under               He has also been the Member J&K Legislative Council (MLC)   University and has many research papers and projects to his
                                                                  financial assistance of the UGC. She is a highly experienced        nominated as Educationist / Scientist. Prof. Malhotra is also a
                                                                  assessor of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council       member of various academic and professional bodies.       Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
                                                                                                                                                                                                credit. Dr. Gupta is also an empanelled assessor of the National  5
                                                                  (NAAC) and been a part of NAAC assessment team for                  Noteworthy among these are the National Academy of
        team                                                      prominent institutions across India.                                Sciences of India, Academy of Zoology, Indian Society of                 Maj.Gen S.K.Sharma, AVSM (Retd) is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director Academics of Model Institute of
                                                                                                                                      Environment, Society of Ichthryology and Hydrobiology and
                                                                                 Dr. C.l. Kundu, M.A (Psychology), M.Ed, Ph.D
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Son of the soil, he served Indian Army for 36
                                                                                 (T.D.P North Western U.S.A) is the Vice              the President Society of Progressive Zoologists. He has also             Engineering and Technology since Apr 2008.
                                                                                                                                      received numerous awards at national and international levels.
                                                                                 Chancellor, Deemed to be University, Bhav            He has outstanding contribution for about 45 years in the                years, leading the troops from the front by
                       Dr. Arun K. Gupta, M.A (English), M.Ed (Gold              Nagar, Gujrat. Dr. Kundu has been closely            research and has published more than 200 research papers in              setting personal example. On academic side
                       Medalist), Ph.D is the Chairperson of Board of            associated in different capacities with several      reputed professional journals.                                           he got three post graduate degrees, two in
                       Directors of Model Institute of Education and             Universities doing active work in the field of                                                                               engineering and one in management from
                       Research (MIER), the parent body which has                education. He has been the Professor of                             Prof. Janak Raj Rathore  M.A Mathematics,   Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Osmania University and
                       promoted the establishment of Model                       Education, Kurukshetra University and also the                      D.P.A is an eminent personality in the field of   MCEME, Secunderabad. He pursued his super-specialization in   leadership team
                       Institute of Engineering and Technology    Professor & Head of the same University. He has also been the                      education. He has occupied various high    communication engineering in U.S.A and Hungary. He had
                       (MIET). He is deeply wedded to the cause of   Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh University and remained as                    positions and is a renowned educator. He has   been the Director of Army Engineering College at Vadodara
                       quality education for the last 35 years as   Advisor Rehabilitation Council of India for a number of years.                   been the Professor of Mathematics in J&K   and Chief Registrar of Defense Services Staff College,
        Educator and Researcher (including 25 years as Director MIER).   Dr. Kundu is a member of several prestigious national and                   Govt. Education Deptt. for 22 years, Secretary   Wellington (TN). Widely traveled, he has been associated with
        He was twice selected for the “National Award” by the     International bodies and is a prolific writer and a Research                       J&K Board of School Education for two years,   the engineering companies in USA, Europe and countries of
        National Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi.   Scholar. Widely traveled, Dr. Kundu has presented many                       Director School Education J&K Govt. for one   Middle East Asia and visited educational institutions like MIT
        He is also the North India and J&K State Chancellor for the   research papers and is a well-known author of dozens of books   year and Chairman J&K Board of School Education for six   U.S.A, Harvard University USA and Rutger University, New Jersy,
        International Association of Educators for World Peace    on Educations.                                                      years. He has also worked as Registrar, University of Jammu   USA. A Fellow of IETE, he had been the patron/chairperson/
        (IAEWP). Acclaimed as a leading Authority in the discipline of                                                                and Director Colleges Development, University of Jammu for   member of a large number of national professional bodies. For
        education, Dr. Gupta has directed prestigious research                   Dr. Bhim Singh Dahiya, M.A (English), Ph.D           four years. Prof. Rathore has been awarded various fellowships   his distinguished services, he was commended by the Governor
        projects sponsored by reputable agencies. He is a member of              (University of Cincinnati, USA) is a renowned        by national and international bodies. Among these are     of Gujarat and is recipient of Ati Vishisht Seva Medal from the
        several prestigious academic and professional bodies.                    educationist and former Vice Chancellor,             Fullbright Fellowship by Council of International Exchange of   President of India.
        Noteworthy among these are, the American Educational                     Kurukshetra University (1993-96), He has             Scholars by USA; British Council for study of Higher education
        Research Association, Society for Research into Higher                   enjoyed various high positions during his            system in U.K; UNFPA as Director Population Project J&K Prof.            Dr. Ankur Gupta is the Director at the Model
        Education London, Psychometric Society USA, International                professional career. He has been the Pro-            Rathore was also appointed as a member of the committee                  Institute of Engineering and Technology,
        Council for Distance Education Norway, Indian Association of             Vice Chancellor, Kurukshetra University (1992-       constituted by Ministry of Human Resource Development,                   Jammu, India, besides being a Professor in
        Teacher Educators, and Indian Association for Educational                93), Registrar, M.D University, Rohtak (1977-79)     Deptt. of Education and was elected as President of Council of           the Department of Computer Science and
        Research. He has published more than 150 research papers in   and a member, Governing body, United States and                 Boards of School Education India in 1993.                                Engineering. Prior to joining the academia, he
        reputed professional journals in India and other countries.   Educational Foundation in India (1996-98). He has also been                                                                              worked as a Technical Team Lead at Hewlett
        Widely traveled, Dr. Gupta is also the author of several books.   the Professor of English, Kurukshetra University and M.D                   Dr Adit Gupta (M.A, Psychology, M.Ed, Ph.d) is            Packard, developing software in the network
        He is also the Fellow of United Writers Association of India.
                                                                  University, Rohtak. Dr. Dahiya has been awarded various                            currently the Director of the MIER Group of               management and e-Commerce domains. He
                                                                  fellowships by national and international bodies and is                            Institutions and a Professor at the MIER   has two patents pending at the US Patents and Trademarks
                       Dr. Renu Gupta M.A Psychology, M.Ed,       recipient of numerous awards. He is a member of several                            College of Education. He has also served as   Office and twelve patents at Indian Patent office .
                       Diploma in Distance Education, Ph.D, is the   prestigious national and International bodies and is a prolific                 Principal of Model Academy, a prestigious 79   He obtained his B.E Computer Science and MS Software
                       Vice Chairperson, Model Institute of       writer and Research scholar. Widely traveled, Dr. Dahiya has                       year old Higher Secondary school in Jammu   Systems degrees from BITS, Pilani and his Ph.D from the National
                       Education and Research and Principal MIER   presented many research papers and is a well-known author of                      (J&K State), India for close to 10 years. He has   Institute of Technology, India. His main areas of interest include
                       College of Education, Jammu. She has over   books on Education and English.                                                   over 20 years of teaching and administrative   peer-to-peer networks, network management, software
                       30 years of teaching, research and                                                                             experience at the school and at the college level and his area   engineering and cloud computing. He has published over 60
                       administrative experience across diverse                  Dr. Y.R. Malhotra M.Sc., Ph.D. & Fulbright-Hays      of specialization is Educational Technology (CAI and ICT in   peer-reviewed papers in reputed international journals and
                      domains. She is a member of several                        Fellow (University of Minnesota, U.S.A) is a         Education), Educational Psychology, Educational           conferences and is a recipient of the AICTE's Career Award for
        prestigious academic and professional bodies and social                  renowned educationist and former Vice                Measurement and Evaluation, Teacher Education & School    Young Teachers, awarded to promising researchers under the
        organizations such as International Council for Educators for            Chancellor, University of Jammu (1992-97).           Education. He received his PhD in Learning Environments from   age of 35 on a nationally competitive basis. He is the
        World Peace, USA, Women International Network, International             Prof. Malhotra has been closely associated in        the prestigious Curtin University at Perth, Australia and is a   Managing Editor for IJNGC. He is a senior member of the ACM,
        Community Education Association and Indian Association of                different capacities with several Universities.      recipient of the Endeavour Award of the Australian        senior member IEEE and a life-member of the Computer
        Teacher Educators. She has attended various conferences,                 He has been the Professor (1976-1992) in the         Government which involves financial assistance to outstanding   Society of India. He has received grants over Rs. 1 crore from
        workshops at various national & international levels. She has a          Department of Zoology, University of Jammu.          researchers. He is a graduate of the St. Stephens College, Delhi   various funding agencies.
        wide range of research experience and has published many   He is also a member of several educational committees. He
        research articles in reputed professional journals in India and   has been the member of University Council, University
        other countries. She is also a renowned women activist and   Syndicate and Academic Council of the University of Jammu.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Model Institute of Engineering & Technology
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