Page 27 - Brochure-2021
P. 27

student                                                    MIET students have outperformed peers in                     27
                                                            other institutions in the region both
                                                            academically and in cultural events.

                                                            ● A team of students from MIET won the highest prize money of Rs. 1
                                                              Lakh   at the Smart India Hackathon 2019. The team devised an
                                                              algorithm for connecting the industry, Investors and startups.

                                                            ● In 2017 Prince Sumberia from Computer Science and Engineering
                                                              program won the ICDL Asia Digital Skills Competition at Singapore
                                                              beating contestants from 7 Asian Countries. He initially topped the
                                                              ICDL competition across India and represented India at Singapore.  student activities
                                                            ● Sumant Pangotra and Suave Bajaj from CSE won the Best Student
                                                              Innovator  Award  at  the  2018  India  Innovation  Initiative  held  by
                                                              AICTE, DST and CII. They won a cash prize of Rs. 40,000 beating 2000
                                                              project entries across India.

                                                             ● Arun Sharma and Deepika Kumari finsihed in the top 10 in India in the
                                                              CSI InApp pan-India project competition during 2019.

                                                            ● MIET finished in the "Top 30 Colleges" in the country in the IBM TGMC
                                                              (The  Great  Minds  Challenge)  which  is  India's  largest  project
                                                            ● Student-organized SAMMILAN is the largest technical cum cultural
                                                              festival  in  J&K,  featuring  high-quality  technical  events,  cultural
                                                              showcase, performances by renowned bands and EDM night.

                                                            ● Student  chapters  of  IEEE  (Institute  of  Electrical  and  Electronics
                                                              Engineers),  ACM  (Association  for  Computing  Machinery,  ASCE
                                                              (American Society for Civil Engineers) and CSI (Computer Society of
                                                              India), organize high quality technical events throughout the year.
                                                            ● MIET students undertake regular outreach and extension activities
 I am extremely impressed by the talent and                   each semester under the banner of "Prayaas" - a social responsibility
                                                              initiative including adopting a village, blood drives and giving back
 organizational abilities of MIET students.                   to society campaigns.
 “Sammilan” is a great platform for the youth of
                                                            ● In last 3 years MIET students secured top international admissions in
 J&K. The MIET campus is a beautiful one and the              Georgia  Tech,  USA,  TU  Munich,  Germany,  UMKC,  USA,  Univ.  of.
 service to society that the MIER group has                   Central Missouri, USA, Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Rostock Univ.
                                                              Germany, Audencia B-School, France & Lambton College, Canada
 rendered is immeasurable. I wish it all the best and         These alumni now work for Google, Amazon, Apple, SalesForce and
 commit my personal support.                                  other top MNCs in USA.
 Mr. Mohammad Akbar Lone                                    ● MIET students are exposed to over 40 technical events on average
 Former Minister for Higher Education J&K State Govt.         per  year  including  workshops,  trainings,  seminars  and  skill
                                                              development which result in high-levels of domain knowledge.
                                                                             Model Institute of Engineering & Technology
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