Page 4 - Brochure-2021
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Dr. Renu Gupta, M.A, M.Ed.,                                         Prof. R.G. Kothari,                                       Dr. Arun Gopal, M.A. (Edu-
                                                                                          Ph.D. is the Chairperson,                                           M.Sc.(Math), M.Ed., Ph.D (S.                              cation), Ph.D. is a former     5
                                                                                          MIER & former Principal,                                            P. University, V.V. Nagar.)  is                           Director of the NIPCCD,
        team                                                                              MIER College of Education.                                          the Dean, Faculty of                                      New Delhi. He has over 35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        years of professional experi-
                                                                                                                                                              Education &  Psychology, at
                                                                                          She has over 3 decades of
                                                                                          experience in Policy
                                                                                          Planning, Administration,                                           M.S. University, Vadodara .                               ence in the area of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Women, Child
                                                                                                                                                              He has also served as the
        The Leadership Team at MIET is a                                                  Training, Research and                                              VC, Veer Narmad South                                     Development and Public
        community of visionaries and pio-                                                 Teaching. She has many                                              Gujarat University, Surat.  He                            Administration. He is a top-
                                                                  publications & research papers to her credit.  She                  has numerous National and International awards            ranking researcher and has worked as a Senior
        neers with impeccable credentials                         is a national trainer for women empowerment for                     to his credit. He is a prolific writer,  noted author,    Consultant with Price Waterhouse Coopers,              leadership team
        and proven track records of                               UGC and founding Director Centre for Women                          acclaimed researcher and a renowned authority             UNESCO, Agha Khan Foundation, CARE and other
                                                                  Studies. She is a NAAC assessor for accreditation.                  in the field of teacher education.                        International and National agencies.
        achievement in diverse domains.
                                                                                          Prof. Y.R. Malhotra, M.Sc.,                                         Mr. Kuldeep Khoda, M.Sc.                                  Prof. Adit Gupta, is the
        They are committed to providing                                                   Ph.D & Fulbright-Hays Fellow                                        (Physics) from IIT, Delhi is a                            Director, MIER and Principal
        the necessary governance and                                                      (University of Minnesota,                                           former Director General of                                MIER College of Education.
                                                                                          U.S.A) is a renowned edu-                                           the J&K Police. He ably led                               He has a Ph.D. from Curtin
        guidance to MIET in its quest for                                                 cationist and former Vice                                           the Police deptt. during                                  University, Australia and a
        excellence and creating real                                                      Chancellor, University of                                           years of tumultuous change                                double Masters in
                                                                                          Jammu .  He has also been                                           in J&K. He has also served                                Education and Psychology.
        impact in J&K. By promulgating                                                    the Member J&K Legislative                                          as the Chief Vigilance                                    He is also an alumnus of the
        progressive policies and promot-                                                  Council (MLC) nominated                                             Commissioner of J&K State.                                ‘International Visitors
                                                                  as Educationist / Scientist. he is also a member of                 He is the recipient of many International and             Leadership Programme’ of the US Government.
        ing introduction of innovative pro-                       various academic and professional bodies.  He                       national awards for his meritorious services includ-      Dr. Gupta was also conferred the prestigious
        grams, the leadership team has                            has received numerous awards at national and                        ing the Highest Civil Services Award from the Prime       ‘Endeavour Executive Award’ of the Australian
                                                                  international levels.                                               Minister and President of India.                          Govt.
        overseen the transition of MIET
        from an affiliated college to J&Ks                                                Prof. Bhim Singh Dahiya,                                            Justice Sunil Hali, L.L.B. has                            Prof. Ankur Gupta, B.E
                                                                                          M.A (English), Ph.D (Univer-                                        been a former Judge of the                                (Hons.) Computer Science
        first Autonomous engineering insti-                                               sity of Cincinnati, USA) is a                                       J&K and Allahabad High                                    and MS Software Systems
        tution. The journey of transforma-                                                renowned educationist &                                             Courts and an Ex Judicial                                 degrees from BITS, Pilani
                                                                                          former VC, Kurukshetra                                              Member of the Armed                                       and  Ph.D from the NIT
        tion and value creation at MIET                                                   University (1993-96). He has                                        Forces Tribunal. He has over                              Hamirpur, is the Director at
        has just begun as it sets new                                                     served as the Pro-VC,                                               40 years of experience and                                MIET, Jammu. Prior to joining
                                                                                          Kurukshetra University,                                             passed many landmark                                      the academia, he worked
        benchmarks in technical educa-                                                    Registrar, M.D University,                                          judgements during his                                     as a Technical Team Lead
        tion in the region. The leadership                        Rohtak and a member, Governing body, United                         tenure. Presently, he is working as a Senior              at Hewlett Packard. He has filed 25 patents,
                                                                  States Educational Foundation in India. He has                      Advocate in the Supreme Court of India and is the         published 75+ research papers and received
        team reiterates its unwavering                            also served as the Professor of English, Kurukshetra                President of J&K Consumer Disputes Redressal              competitive funding over Rs. 2 Crores. He is recipi-
        support going forward.                                    University and M.D Rohtak University.                               Commission.                                               ent of AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Model Institute of Engineering & Technology
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