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Alumni Roundup                       Meet the Alumni Lecture Series                                                                                                                                             Alumni Roundup

            Mr. Muneeb Shah              Dr. Zakir Hussain         Mr. Aditya Ganjoo             Mr. Suhail Bhat
              CSE (2000-2004)              EE (2003-2007)              IT (2006-2010)             CSE (2008-2012)
           Director, Ernst & Young      Associate Professor,       Cyber Security Solution     Co-Lead, Volkswagen,
             Global Consulting            Deptt. of E&S, IIT       Architect, GBM, Dubai,              Berlin,
              Services, London.            Bombay, India.                   UAE.                     Germany.

            Mr. Pawan Bhola            Dr. Bharat Mahajan            Ms. Samer Afzal            Mr. Rajat Sharma
               EE (2001-2005)             ECE (2003-2007)             ECE (2007-2011)              EE (2010-2014)
          Managing Director, Lead       Aerospace Engineer,            Senior Program            Electrical Engineer,
             IC Design Ontario,       Odyssey Space Res. LLC,       Manager, AWS Paris,           ARCUS Planung,
                  Canada.                      Texas.                     France.                    Germany.

                                                                                                                                 MIET organized the 13  edition of    cellence in Action” Alumni Awards   ing them capture their Nostalgic
                                                                                                                                 the Alumni Meet “Connexions-2022  presented to the 14 selected           moments and experiences. The stu-
           Mr. Saveet S Raina            Mr. Manu Gupta            Mr. Saajan Shridhar        Mr. Abhayjeet Zutshi                                    th
              MBA (2014-2016)             ECE (1999-2003)             CSE (2010-2014)             CSE (2016-2020)                #BeConnected” on 24  December        alumni who had significant profes-   dent music band stole the show
                 HR Partner               T-Mobile (Sprint)        Sr. Software Developer         Deputy Manager                 at the MIET Campus. Over 85          sional achievements. The student    with their heartwarming perfor-
            Agilent Technologies,             Virginia,              Google, Kitchener,          Extramarks Pvt Ltd.             alumni participated in the event.    organizing team did a fabulous job   mances and melodious unplugged
                  Haryana                       USA                   Ontario, Canada             Noida, UP, India
                                                                                                                                 The event also witnessed the “Ex-    in engaging with the Alumni, help-  jamming sessions.

                                               MIET Launches

                                               M I E T    A L U M N I    A S S O C I A T I O N

            Model Institute of Engineering &    Meet for B.E students, with the      Batch 2001-05 as Vice-
            Technology formally launched        announcement of the first             President, Dr. Sahil Sawhney
            the MIET Alumni Association         executive committee members          as General Secretary, Dr.
            (MIETAA) after registering it as    Mr. Manik Batra, Batra Group,        Ankita Nanda as Joint
            a Section-8 company. MIETAA         Batch 2001-05 as Founding            Secretary and Dr. Mekhla
            was launched during                 President, Mr. Vasu Dewan,           Sharma and Ms. Surbhi
            Connexions 2022, the Alumni         Devans Modern Breweries Ltd.,        Sharma as Treasurer.

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