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MoU’s &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MoU’s & Collaborations
          Institutional Achievements                                                                                                                                                                              MoU’s &   Collaborations

          Govt. of J&K adopts MIET Developed PI-360                                                                              MoU with Center for Global Management

          Software                                                                                                               California State University

          Launches Quality Analytics Project for Higher Education in J&K                                                         San Bernardino, USA

          In a landmark move, MIET devel-       framework will help higher educa-                                                MIET School of Management            Bernardino, USA. Prof. Vipin         MoU with Prof Ankur Gupta,
          oped quality analytics framework,     tion colleges adopt a data-driven                                                signed an international MoU with     Gupta, Co-Director, Center for       Director MIET. The MoU envis-
          Performance Insight 360 (PI-360),     approach, by capturing and analyz-                                               the Center for Global                Global Management and                ages joint research, exploring new
          recipient of the Quality Council of   ing data related to outcomes of the                                              Management, Jack H. Brown            Professor at the Jack H. Brown       programs, faculty and student co-
          India’s (QCI) D.L Shaw Platinum       institution as required by accredita-                                            School of Management at the          School of Management visited the     operation and promoting the
          Award, was adopted by the Govt.       tion and regulatory bodies. This is                                              California State University, San     MIET Campus and signed the           Indian Knowledge System.
          of J&K to manage quality across       the first time in India that a State or
          eleven marquee institutions span-     UT Govt is employing cloud- based
          ning 25,000 students and over         analytics-as-a-service model to                                                     MoU with Vishwakarma
          2000 faculty members. The soft-       track and improve performance                                                       Skill University, Haryana
          ware was launched by Principal        and quality outcomes of its higher
          Secretary, Higher Education, JK       education institutions. Mr. Kansal                                                  A MoU between MIET and Shri Vishwakarma Skill
          UT, Mr. Rohit Kansal at a glittering   expressed hope that after the suc-                                                 University (SVSU) was signed in the presence of
          event at GCW, Parade on 7             cess of the pilot program, it will be                                               Sh. Raj Nehru, Vice Chancellor, Shri Vishwakarma
          March 2022. Speaking on the occa-     rolled out to cover additional insti-                                               Skill University and Prof. Ankur Gupta, Director,
          sion, Mr. Kansal outlined the vision   tutions in a phased manner. As part                                                MIET. This collaboration targets to ensure
          of the JK UT Administration to        of the project MIET trained faculty                                                 purposeful engagement of Faculty, Experts and
          usher in innovative and path-         members and principals of eleven                                                    Industry Partners for various academic activities.
          breaking reforms in the higher edu-   colleges  including GCET Jammu,                                                     Both parties seek to do this through nurturing
          cation sector including automation    GCW Parade, GCW Gandhi Nagar,                                                       skilling initiatives across different domains and
          of quality assurance. He explained    GGM Science College, GDC                                                            exchange of best practices etc.
          that the Performance Insight 360      Kathua, GDC Reasi, etc.

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