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Academic Initiatives Academic Initiatives
Dr. Arun K. Gupta
Centre for Teaching & Learning
As a tribute to the excellence in quality learning experience to the
teaching embodied by Late Dr. learners. The centre promotes
Arun K. Gupta, the visionary regular interaction among faculty Commonwealth of Learning FDP Phase-II
founder of MIET, a new and members and facilitates
unique Teaching Learning Center participation in training programs.
was setup at MIET. The TLC It also organizes regular faculty
operates under the auspices of development programs in diverse TLC@ The MIER College of Education phase workshop. For Phase-II relevant in the post-Covid world.
the Indo-Universal Collaboration domains to foster a culture of hosted a 3-day hands-on faculty members learnt the Faculty members used modern
Engage | Empower | Enlighten
for Engineering Education research and innovation. Under workshop on “Evaluating and fundamentals of blended and digital tools, interactive techn-
(IUCEE) with Prof. Veena Kumar, the ambit of the TLC, faculty are Facilitating Blended and Online online learning and its ologies, methods and practices to
University of Maryland, USA developing and using high quality Courses” in March. This workshop pedagogical approaches. MIER be employed while evaluating
serving as its honorary Director educational content and learning was organised for twenty faculty College of Education and MIET online courses. Faculty members
and Prof. Krishna Vedula, former materials including MooCs. The members from MIER College of were the only two institutions Dr. Ankita Nanda, Dr. Mekhla
Professor, University of vision is to create a rich and Education & MIET who were selected in Jammu & Kashmir to Sharma, Dr. Parul Sharma, Dr.
Massachusetts at Lowell as the engaging learning environment for selected for participation in the implement a comprehensive Anand Gupta, Mr. Navin K. Mani,
Chief Mentor. The TLC@MIET students. Academic support Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Technology Enabled Learning Dr. Hanuman Prasad, Dr. Tanu
aims to deliver world-class through mentoring, peer-tutoring, Workshop on Technology Enabled (TEL) policy across its programs Kathuria, Ms. Surbi Sharma and
teaching-learning experiences to guidance and counseling etc. is Learning Faculty Development and train faculty members to Ms. Meena Kohli attended the
the MIET Community. It leverages also a focus area. Lifelong Programme which is a three- deliver value online, highly workshop from MIET.
global best practices, content, learning, modern tool usage are Prof. Veena Kumar Prof. Krishna Vedula
effective use of ICT and emerging other graduate attribute University of Maryland University of Massachusetts
pedagogies to deliver a high attainment is prioritized. USA Lowell, US Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) Policy
MIET implemented the Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) Policy this
Studio Setup @ MIET TLC Activities year, which provides a framework for implementing Technology-
Content Enabled Learning at MIET. This policy has been developed to enable
the institution to provide high quality education through effective use of
Development technology to all its students, teachers and staff. The policy envisions
improvement in the quality of teaching and learning through the use of
Peer Tutoring technology and the sharing of open educational resources. It also en-
visages the use of technology to improve the quality of student assess-
ment and to encourage self-learning.
Academic Support Objective
Recently a digital recording studio to deliver online classes and Become Innovation Leader Build ICT excellence
record course content for the students was setup. The digital studio Faculty Development
set up by MIET features multiple video conferencing tools, Smart Achieve Educational Goals Enable content sharing
Board, voice capturing with auto-translation capabilities, video & Trainings
streaming, and smart calendar scheduling. Empower student learning Create Contextual Learning
Guidance, Counselling
& Mentoring Champion Tech Adoption Promote Lifelong Learning