Peer Tutoring

TLC@MIET conducted its first Peer tutoring session in the “Centre for Teaching and Learning”, for a student of 3rd semester_CED. The TLC@MIET strives to create environment that supports individual and collaborative learning, encouraging social interactions, active engagement in learning and motivation.

Introduction to TLC@MIET during Induction

TLC@MIET delivers a session on introduction to TLC @ MIET to first semester students so to familiarize them with objectives of TLC.

Faculty Development Programs

TLC@MIET organised a hands-on training session on CAMU on 20-10-22. Prof. Ashok Kumar, Dean Academics MIET, initiated the session by familiarising the newly inducted faculty members about the functions and importance of CAMU LMS. Dr. Hanuman Prasad, Mr. Parveen Abrol and Ms. Kavita Abrol apprised the faculty members about the creating and updating of OBE, LMS, Lecture Plans and Teaching Content on CAMU LMS. All the newly inducted faculty members of all the departments and all the faculty members of the Applied Sciences Department attended the session.

FDP on Active Learning:18 October, 2022

Prof. Veena Kumar discussed the difference between traditional one-way learning and active learning. Prof. Kumar also discussed Active vs. Collaborative learning and the Theoretical Framework Support for Active learning. Imparting knowledge and not just information transfer in the classroom is very critical. She also emphasized emotional learning as emotions strengthen learning. Faculty members actively participated in the activities during the session

Outcome-Based Education Workshop

MIET organized a one-day workshop on Outcome Based Education (OBE) for the esteemed faculty members of MIER College of Education (Autonomous). It was an enriching experience where our dedicated faculty members came together to enhance their teaching methodologies and align their educational practices with OBE principles.
The workshop began with a warm welcome note by Prof. Ankur Gupta Sir, Director MIET, followed by a keynote session delivered by Prof. Adit Gupta Sir, Director MIER. Sir emphasized the importance of Outcome Based Education in developing Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes & Course Outcomes and highlighted the challenges for measuring these outcomes.
The session was then graced by Dr. Renu Gupta Ma’am, Chairperson, MIER Group. Ma’am appraised the faculty with the new and improved Vision Document of MIER College of Education (Autonomous) 2023-2028. She enlightened the faculty about the significance of OBE in attaining course outcomes through assessment and evaluation. She also discussed the teaching-learning process, curriculum framing, and announced the newly embodied core values of MIER that are “ENGAGE, EMPOWER & EXCEL”.
The session was further led by Prof. Sahil Sawhney Sir, GM, Strategic Initiatives. Sir appraised the faculty about the principles of OBE and guided them in designing Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, and Course Outcomes. He also emphasized the importance of mapping course outcomes with program outcomes and developing an understanding of OBE-based assessment and evaluation tools. He discussed the challenges that faculty members may face with attainment levels and introduced them to the automation of OBE using the PI360 software. He provided a practical hands-on session, demonstrating how faculty members can use a data input sheet to calculate attainment levels efficiently.
The workshop proceeded with sessions conducted by members of the Dr. Arun K Gupta, Centre of Teaching and Learning. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sir, Dean Academic Affairs, and DrAnkitaNanda Ma’am, HOD, MBA department, presented sessions on Teaching Learning Methodologies. The workshop also included various activities, including a quick competition on Nearpod Engagement Tool, and the winners were delighted with prizes.